Some Ahadith regarding Karbala
1- The
Prophet (pbuh) said to either Aisha or Umm Salamah (ra):
“An angel entered the house on me, he never entered on me before,
and he said to me, 'This son of yours, Husain, will be killed, and if
you wish I can show you the soil from the earth where he will be
killed'. Then he took out some red soil”. [Musnad
Ahmed: 26567;
Classed Hasan by Shuaib al-Arna'oot
and Sahih by Allama Albani in Silsilah as-Saheehah: 822]
Umm al-Fadl bint al-Harith (ra) narrated that she went
in to see Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and said, "Messenger of
Allah, I had an objectionable dream last night." He asked what
it was and she replied, "It was terrible." He asked, "But
what was it?" She replied, "I seemed to see a piece of your
body cut off and placed in my lap." He said, "You have seen
something good. If Allah wills Fatimah will give birth to a son who
will be in your lap." Fatimah then gave birth to Husain who was
placed in my lap as Allah's Messenger (pbuh) had said.
day I went in to see Allah's messenger and placed Husain in his lap.
I turned round, and noticing tears falling from the eyes of Allah's
Messenger, I said, "Prophet of Allah, for whom I would give my
father and mother as ransom, what is the matter with you?" He
replied, "Gabriel came to me and informed me that my people will
kill this son of mine." I asked if he really meant this one and
he replied, "Yes, and he brought me some of its red soil (I.e.
of the land where he will be killed)."
Haakim: 4818; Classed Sahih by Allama Albani in Silsilah as-Saheehah:
3- Abdullah
bin Nujayy narrated from his father, that he traveled with Ali (ra),
and he used to carry his purifying water. When they were next to
Nainawa on his way to Siffin, Ali called, “Be patient, Oh Abu
Abdullah (the kunyah of Husain), be patient
Oh Abu Abdullah by the banks of the
Euphrates.” I [Nujayy] said, “What did
he say?”. He [Ali] said, “I entered upon the Prophet (pbuh) one
day and his eyes were flowing with tears. I said, 'O Prophet of
Allah, has someone upset you? Why are your eyes flowing with tears?'.
He said: "No but Jibreel left me a while ago. He told me that
Husain would be killed on the banks of the Euphrates. And he
[Jibreel] said: 'Would you like to smell his soil
(the soil of the land where he will fall)?'
I (pbuh) said, 'Yes'. He stretched out his
hand and picked up a handful of soil and
gave it to me, and I could not help but weep." [Musnad
Ahmed: 648;
Classed Sahih by Allama
Albani in
Silsilah as-Saheehah: 1171]
4- Ibn Abbas
(ra) said: I saw the Prophet (pbuh) in a
dream when I slept in the middle of the day; (he appeared) disheveled
and dusty, and he had with him a bottle in which there was blood that
he was picking up or something that he was putting in it. I said: 'O
Messenger of Allah, what is this?'
He said: "The blood of Husain and
his companions; I have been collecting it all day."
Ammar said: We remembered that day, and
we found out that he had been killed on that day. (i.e. when the news
reached, they found out that he was indeed martyred on the day that
Ibn Abbas had seen the dream). [Musnad Ahmed:
2165; Classed Sahih
by ٍShu'aib
al-Arna'oot, and Albani in
Mishkat al-Masabih: 6172]
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