
Banu Umayyah, The Ahle Bait & The Road to Karbala In the Light of 50 Authentic Ahadith

1- It was narrated from Abu Burdah that his father said: "We prayed Maghrib with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), then we said: 'Why don't we sit and wait until we pray Isha with him?' So we sat, and he came out to us and said: 'Are you still here?' We said: 'O Messenger of Allah, we prayed Maghrib with you, then we said we will sit until we pray 'Isha with you.' He said: 'You have done well,' or 'you have done the right thing.' He raised his head to look at the sky, and he often raised his head to look at the sky, and said: 'The stars are a source of security for the sky, and when the stars disappear, there will come to the sky what is promised. I am a source of security for my Companions, and when I am gone there will come to my Companions what they are promised. And my Companions are a source of security for my Ummah, and when my Companions are gone, there will come to my Ummah what they are promised." [Sahih Muslim: 6...

Some Ahadith regarding Karbala

1- The Prophet (pbuh) said to either Aisha or Umm Salamah ( ra ): “An angel entered the house on me, he never entered on me before, and he said to me, 'This son of yours, Husain, will be killed, and if you wish I can show you the soil from the earth where he will be killed'. Then he took out some red soil”. [Musnad Ahmed: 26567 ; Classed Hasan by Shuaib al -Arna'oot and Sahih by Allama Albani in Silsilah as-Saheehah: 822] 2- Umm al-Fadl bint al-Harith (ra) narrated that she went in to see Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and said, "Messenger of Allah, I had an objectionable dream last night." He asked what it was and she replied, "It was terrible." He asked, "But what was it?" She replied, "I seemed to see a piece of your body cut off and placed in my lap." He said, "You have seen something good. If Allah wills Fatimah will give birth to a son who will be in your lap." Fatimah then gave birth to Husain who was placed in ...

Using “Alaihis-Salam” (عليه السلام) for the Ahle bait

As a Sunni, you might cringe when you hear "عليه السلام" (Alaihi as-Salam, may peace be upon him) being used for Hazrat Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Husain or any other person from the Ahle Bait (family of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) and you might immediately classify the person saying it as a Shia but fact of the matter is that many of our most famous classical scholars and Imams have used this phrase when referring to the Ahle Bait, and our classical Sunni literature is filled with such evidences. And this shouldn't be very surprising, when we ourselves say at the end of every Salah: …اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد “O Allah, send your blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad…”

Being Part of the Best Ummah

All Muslims have this blessing, irrespective of their level of Taqwa (God-consciousness) or the burden of their sins. In fact many of us might not have ever thought about it or thanked Allah for it. A blessing gifted to us without us ever asking Him for it. The blessing of being part of the Ummah of the Muhammad (pbuh), the last of all Prophets and the most noble of the descendants of Adam, to whom the last book, the Qur'an was revealed which is a living miracle up-till today. Yes! What a truly priceless blessing it is!